In October 2023, just weeks after conflict erupted, the Make a Difference Foundation embarked on its inaugural journey to Israel. This timely mission was aimed at delivering essential donations directly to IDF soldiers stationed in the field. Amidst the unfolding...
Nourishing Our Heroes: Warm Meals for Soldiers The well-being and performance of our IDF soldiers are deeply connected to their nourishment. Recognizing this, we’ve launched the “Warm Meals for Soldiers” campaign to ensure that those defending our...
Make a Difference Foundation has teamed up with Connections & Links: From Trauma to Resilience to support their efforts to strengthen residents of the South of Israel with psycho-educational workshops. The terror and tragedy of October 7, 2023 continues to exert...
Since October 7th, we’ve been working tirelessly to support IDF soldiers, providing critical resources and intelligence. One of the most significant findings over the past four months is the urgent need to increase the use of small drones in military operations....
“For them and for them” is an initiative of my father, who during the difficult days of the war wanted to contribute and help but due to his advanced age, he could not help physically. That’s why we decided to visit soldiers wounded in the...