Make A Difference Foundation

Our Founders

“Hi there, I’d like to take a moment to express my gratitude and introduce myself. I’m Bobby, a co-founder of the Make a Difference Foundation.

I’ve always held a deep love and compassion for the land and people of Israel. My partner, Aaron, is a former IDF soldier, and together, we share a profound commitment to assisting Israel in its fight against terror. Our journey began many years ago, but it was on October 7, a day that shook us to our core, that we sprang into action. We began by making phone calls to friends and family in Israel. They reported what they were in desperate need of, and we were determined to get the supplies directly into the hands of the soldiers.

We realized that we can’t do this alone. We require three crucial elements:


Your financial contributions,


Your time, and


Most importantly, your prayers.

The Make a Difference Foundation isn’t only impacting the lives of soldiers and their families; we’re making a difference for everyone who donates and volunteers. A charitable heart truly makes for a beautiful soul.

Our mission extends beyond Israel. Our goal is to make a difference in the entire world by raising awareness and understanding of the importance of the land and people of Israel. How do we plan to achieve this? It all begins with one individual at a time. I implore you to join this positive movement, this great effort to make a difference.

So, I ask you to pledge not only your money and time but also your prayers.

Every day, when we wake up, we’re given the gift of breath and another day of life. The question is, how will we use this breath? I hope we can use it to thank Hashem for another day of life. To start the day with gratitude, this is beautiful. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Why? So it can guide you through the day. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Why? Because Hashem asks you to.

Let’s seek guidance from Hashem to navigate through our days with a charitable heart and a generous spirit.

Have you ever pondered the fact that we come into this world without a say in the matter, against our will? We’re given breath without a choice, and one day, that breath will leave us, again without a say, also against our will. So, what do we have in between? Only free choice and our breath, and without it, we can’t think or speak. I believe it all starts with gratitude and the desire for wisdom and understanding in how we use this breath throughout our lives. Let’s pray for a charitable spirit. We have a choice. It’s free, and no one can take it away. That’s powerful.

If we can spread this message, we can change the world and become a part of the peace of Israel.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have dedicated countless hours volunteering for this foundation, to those who have generously donated their hard-earned money, and to everyone who has prayed for our movement and the foundation.

We need continual support in all these areas. Thank you, and let’s make a difference together. With Hashem’s help.

Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish

Beit-Or AZ
DBA Make a Difference Foundation 501(c)(3)
EIN 87-1424751

P.O. Box 26742
Scottsdale AZ 85255

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